Machon Hasharon - English

Mark Roitman M.D.

Mark Roitman M.D.

 Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Sex Therapist, Hypnotherapist
Tuesday, 12 March 2013 18:26

We Treat


In Hasharon Institute the approach to each patient is integrative: Special attention is given to the personal development and goals.


We deal with improvement of interpersonal and romantic skills, team work and management abilities. We train people to keep their inner equilibrium in times of success and failure. We help them "survive" separation and job loss. People learn to mobilize themselves in times of financial crisis and in situations of life-treating danger, such as war, terrorist attacks, rocket shelling.


In Hasharon Institute we diagnose and treat states of depression and anxiety, different phobias, conditions after physical and mental trauma, psychoses of different origin, sexual dysfunction in men and women, psychosomatic disorders.




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Sunday, 10 March 2013 15:39



About 1% of the world population suffers from this severe mental illness. Schizophrenia can appear in different forms, each one with its own symptoms. The most common are: auditory hallucinations, delusions of persecution or influence, disorganized behavior, loss of interest and motivation, severe disturbances in most fields of life.


Schizophrenia usually starts in adolescence or early adulthood. This is a chronic illness, which requires constant psychiatric follow up and medication to achieve a long remission. Remission allows social and professional rehabilitation.


 Rehabilitation of sexual functioning in a chronic mental health patient


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Sunday, 10 March 2013 14:40



Approximately since the age of nineteen, I begin to write my own thoughts, observations and conclusions about myself, the world around me, people I had met. Those observations helped me navigate my life in the stormy sea of my own adolescence and early adulthood.


Unfortunately all of my notebooks were confiscated by customs officials when I was leaving the Soviet Union in 1974 with my family. To this day I mourn the loss of those notebooks. For about five years thereafter, I was unable to write at all. I felt like a part of me was taken away with the confiscation of those diaries. Around 1979 I started writing again. This need to write my thoughts and contemplations reappeared, and remains with me till this very day.


I never know when and why I will write a particular thought, but when I have the feeling, that it is of a value for me, usually I write it down. Some thoughts can wake me up at night; others can come while I am listening to music, traveling in a train, airplane or just walking down the street, during a lecture, or while reading a book or a journal. Sometimes thoughts appear when I'm considering some relationship or crisis with other people. Feelings of success or failure often bring observations, which can be important to me.


Today, when I reed my diaries, even many years after they had been written, I still find some thoughts interesting and important to me. I decided to share some of them with readers of my site, in hope that it can be interesting to some, may be stir their own thoughts, associations, and understandings.


The Site is interactive. Comments discussions and reactions are welcome, to any text that is published on this Site.


At this stage, I upload materials to this site in the languages, which they were written originally. Because the thoughts originally were written for my own use, most of them are written in Russian, which is my primary language. Some are written in Hebrew and some in English. I hope to translate them gradually.


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Thursday, 28 February 2013 16:37

Anxiety and Depression


Statistically, 15-20 persons out of 100 suffer from depression or anxiety, in different levels of severity, or from a combination of both - at any given moment. About 40% will suffer from those conditions at some point in their lifetime.


The words "depression" and "anxiety" describe mostly the mental suffering. The majority of sufferers complain about physical symptoms. Some are suspicious of the psychiatric terminology. In fact, oftentimes those are complex physiological conditions with resulting physical and mental suffering.


Among somatic symptoms are: weakness, lack of energy, sleepiness or insomnia, muscle pain, chest pain, abdominal pain. Many feel "something" in their chest, which prevents them from breathing freely. Some feel a need to eat to fill some of a void inside, others luck appetite at all, and lose weight. Common are fears of some fatal illness, such as heart attack, malignancy or AIDS.


Usually the sufferers blame themselves for their suffering; they feel guilty and are ashamed of their "weakness of character", and are sure that they have to overcome it by themselves. In severe cases suicidal thoughts and ideation appears. It is always a danger, because some sufferers do commit suicide.


In many cases friends and relatives who are in close contact with these people underestimate their suffering. They try to help by telling the sufferer that "it is nothing to worry about", that they "have to be strong", or "not to think about it". The sufferer feels misunderstood, blames himself even more, and his condition sometimes worsens.


Depression and Anxiety, even in the most severe cases are easy treated in comparatively short time. The family, and close friends, must persuade the suffering person to visit a psychiatrist, and just as importantly - not to stop the treatment too early, even if they are disappointed by not getting immediate results.


Because of high prevalence of anxiety and depression, they are the majority of clients in Hasharon Institute. There is nothing more satisfactory for a psychiatrist, than to see severely suffering patient returning to normal life after a few weeks of treatment.



The Concept of Projective Identification: It's Use in Understanding Interpersonal and Group Processes


Sex surrogates


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